Please download and print out the above forms. The medical clearance must be filled out by a licensed medical professional.
Both forms must be completed and turned in at the date of the physical test. No applicant will be allowed to participate in the Physical Fitness test without these forms being completed. DO NOT SUBMIT THESE FORMS WITH YOUR APPLICATION.
Please see below for physical fitness requirements.
Testing Requirements
The physical fitness assessment will be held on June 7, 2025, at the Allentown Police Academy. You will receive an email prior to the examination detailing the location and time of the test.
Those applicants successfully completing the physical fitness assessment will be immediately participating in the written exam on June 8, 2025. Instructions and directions for the written exam will be provided directly following the physical agility test.
The Physical Readiness Test consists of four exercises, immediately preceded by a warm-up session with intermittent rest periods to ensure the safety of the applicants. The test and standards have been developed and reviewed to ensure that an applicant, if selected to an Academy class, will have a reasonable chance of success in attaining a higher standard of Physical Readiness during applicant training. Failure of any one test excludes the applicant from further processing. The Physical Readiness Tests are depicted on the chart below along with an explanation of the testing procedure. Applicants must be able to complete all tests as contained in the Applicant Standards column below to continue in the process. Failure of any one exercise will disqualify the applicant and remove them from the eligibility list.
Sit-Ups – This is a measure of abdominal muscle strength and endurance. The test is performed by interlacing the fingers with hands behind the head, then bringing the torso upward from a lying position to a sitting position. For a sit-up to count, the elbows must touch the knees in the upright position and the back must touch the floor in the reclining position. The applicant may rest in the “up” position only. The hands must remain interlaced throughout the exercise. Sit-ups must be completed within 1 minute.
300-Meter Run – This is a measure of anaerobic capacity. This is an important factor, exerting short bursts of effort will engaged in pursuit tasks. The stand is based on the total elapsed time required to complete a 300-meter course. On a standard 400-meter track, 300 meters is about ¾ around the track or 984 feet.
Push-Ups – This is a measure of the muscular endurance of the upper body extensor. This is an important area for many tasks including use of force, lifting, carrying, and pushing. The applicant assumes the front-leaning rest position by placing their hands on the surface, slightly wider than shoulder width apart, fingers facing forward. The back, buttocks, and legs must be in a generally straight line from the head to the heels. The feet may be together or up to twelve inches apart. Once hands and feet are set they cannot move. The applicant lowers self until the chest touches a fist or a three-inch block. The subject returns to the “up” position locking out the elbows. The back must be kept straight at all times. The applicant may rest in the “up” position only. The test will be considered over when the applicant returns to the standing position or if any part of their body makes contact with the ground. Push-ups must be completed within 1 minute.
1.5 Mile Run – This is a measure of cardiovascular endurance or aerobic capacity. It is the foundation for almost all physical tasks including pursuits, administering CPR, climbing stairs, providing aid to the injured, and use of force situations lasting more than two minutes.
* The 300-meter run and 1.5 mile run will be administered under all weather conditions which may include running in cold, heat or humidity, wet and/or high wind conditions.
All applicants who successfully complete the physical fitness assessment, will be taking the written exam portion of the testing process following the fitness test.
All applicants must bring photo ID and two number 2 pencils.
No food or drink, cell phones, back packs, hats, weapons, or purses, other than those used to carry personal hygiene items, will be permitted into the written testing facility.